DeTour Drummond Community CU

Debit/ATM Card

Start using your new Debit/ATM Card now!DDCCU EMV Chip Cards

We have updated our debit cards for all current debit card holders.  These new cards will feature the new enhanced security EMV chips.

Enjoy added security with Chip Technology! NEW CARD. EMBEDDED CHIP. EXTRA SECURITY.

The new DDCCU Debit Card with chip technology does everything your old card did while adding an extra layer of security when used in a chip card reader. By now, you have received your new DDCCU EMV chip card that replaced your old blue card. If you haven't already, please activate it immediately.

What's Changing

What's NOT Changing

IMPORTANT: If you have any merchants who automatically bill this card, please send them your new card information when it arrives.


If you don't have a debit card for your DDCCU account yet and would like one, APPLY NOW.

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